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In 2020, the Yorkshire Leaders Board made a commitment to strengthen collaborative working across the Yorkshire and Humber region, with the full support of Government Ministers, recognising that, done well, this type of partnership across local authorities, and working with partners, could allow the region to influence policy development that allows problems to be solved at scale.

In July 2023, recognising the need to focus limited resources on programmes of activity with obvious added value at regional level, Leaders set out an updated set of priorities for 2023/24, detailed below. These priorities will be pursued with our key partners who we continue to work with to deliver sustainable change across our region.

Energy and Low Carbon

Work together to achieve ambitious carbon reduction targets, using our influence to ensure everyone from individuals to large business is committed to reducing their own footprint. Make significant progress by 2030 with the aim of being overall net carbon zero by 2038.

Visitor Economy

Restore and rebuild the hospitality, leisure and tourism offer in our places; furthering collaborative working and co-ordination of resource around tourism and culture, using our assets to capitalise on a thriving visitor economy and ensuring this reflects the diverse needs of the region.

Policy application with Yorkshire Universities

Develop research and engagement networks between local government and the Higher Education sector, including the Yorkshire and Humber Policy Engagement and Research Network (Y-PERN), and the Yorkshire and Humber Policy Innovation Partnership (Y-PIP).


Implementation of the collaborative work programme around flood management and mitigation, protecting our communities and businesses against future flood events.

Flood resilience forum

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