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Purpose of the event

The Yorkshire Leaders Board, in partnership with Yorkshire Water and The Yorkshire Regional Flood and Coastal Committee, hosted a flooding resilience forum in York on 14 June 2022.

The key aim of the forum was to raise the profile of flood resilience for its wider strategic benefits, as part of the bigger picture of a response to climate change and a wellbeing economy. To this end, Local Authority and public sector leaders across the region were invited to the event to listen to ideas on how we can support the integration of flood resilience into wider strategy and policy

Programme of the event

Bookended by opening and closing remarks from Mayor Tracy Brabin (West Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority) and Mayor Oliver Coppard (South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority) respectively, the event primarily consisted of:

  • Case studies, highlighting collaborative and partnership working. These can be found here:   Delegate Pack
  • Presentations on flooding and climate related topics delivered by a panel of experts These can be found here: Flood summit presentations combined

Event video

The full programme, including workshop sessions, presentations and case studies was captured on video. Subsequently the  highlights and key messages from the day can be viewed here:



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